Liberia Registered Agent
Every company incorporated or registered under the Liberian Associations Law is statutorily required to retain the Liberian International Ship and Corporate Registry (LISCR) Trust Company as their Registered Agent in Liberia. The registered agent is available for the service of process in Liberia and will forward any mail directly to you.
Documents can be deposited with your registered agent for public filings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Any information contained withinin the documents will then be issued in certified form by the registered agent.
Registered Office
The record of address is regarded as confidential and as such is retained exclusively within the records of The LISCR Trust Company. The registered office is used for mailing annual invoices, legal notices and other correspondence from the registered agent. It is often the case that your registered agent will only accept instructions in respect of your company from the registered address.
- Formacompany will provide practical assistance in all issues relating to filings and the general management of Liberian entities.
Company Restructuring
A number of restructuring options exist for Liberian entities. In situations where clients have assets controlled and owned by two or more different entities and they wish to have the assets controlled by a single entity, it is possible to combine them. The single entity will be termed the ‘surviving entity’. If the surviving entity was one of the exisiting or constituent entities, the activity will be termed a ‘merger’. If a new entity is to be formed as the surviving entity, this will be called a consolidation. Merger and consolidation activities may be employed to move asset ownership from one jurisdiction to another.
Existing entities an also move between jurisdictions. The activity in this case is termed ‘re-dominciliation’. Both re-dominciliation into and out of Liberia are permitted. Apart from the transational period an entity must not exist in two jurisdictions at the same time – evidence of closure must be provided.